The Munich Metropolitan Region is organised in an association that is primarily financed by membership fees. Membership is voluntary. The structure of the members is very interdisciplinary. They range from districts and municipalities to large and small companies, universities, colleges and associations. In its projects and decisions, the EMM e. V. strives for the greatest possible consensus in order to maintain its neutrality. The association does not have any planning competences. Its work focuses on the networking of actors and the transfer of knowledge on relevant topics in order to develop the region in a polycentric manner and to maintain and expand its innovative strength.
The aim of EMM e. V. is to shape the development of the Munich Metropolitan Region in a sustainable and polycentric manner and to expand and improve its innovative strength. By networking all protagonists in the region, corresponding projects are to be initiated and the brand essence of the Munich Metropolitan Region, its outstanding innovative strength, is to be communicated. The unique selling point of the association is the voluntary, interdisciplinary and supraregional cooperation of all relevant actors in the Munich Metropolitan Region.
- Regional marketing portal “besser regional”
- Award for building culture
- International Building Exhibition (IBA): Spaces of Mobility in the Munich Metropolitan Region
- Improving the mobility situation (operational mobility management, P+R, car/bike sharing, on-demand services)
- Innovation strategy for the Munich Metropolitan Region
- Cultural and creative industries
- Networking events for co-working areas, economic development agencies, climate protection officers, etc.
- Fair Munich Metropolitan Region
- Area: 25,544.35 sq km (2020)
- Population: 6.15 million (2019)
- Population density: 214 p.e./ (2019)
- GDP: €330,307 million (2018)
- Employed persons : 3.7 million (2018)
- GDP / employed persons: € 89,884 (2018)
- Unemployment rate: 3.6 % (2020)
- Students at universities: 192,832 (2020)
European Metropolitan Region München
Wolfgang Wittmann, CEO
Kardinal-Döpfner-Straße 8, 80333 München
+49 (0)89 452 05 60 10