The IKM:
Basis of our cooperation
Cooperation despite national and international competition: this is what the “Initiativkreis Europäische Metropolregionen in Deutschland” (IKM), to which all twelve European metropolitan regions in Germany belong, has stood for since 2001.
The IKM forms our strategic platform. Together we work to demonstrate the benefits of metropolitan-regional cooperation and to promote it. In the IKM, we exchange information about the work in the individual regions and generate projects that strengthen our metropolitan regions. In the IKM, we jointly formulate statements on current spatial planning and European issues.
The Metropolitan regions in figures
The basis for the work in the metropolitan regions and for informing partners and the interested public are facts – about structures and developments, opportunities and challenges.
Our monitoring takes into account topics and indicators that are of fundamental importance for all eleven European Metropolitan Regions in Germany.
The IKM Monitoring is updated annually and provided by the Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar GmbH, Mannheim.
In German only.