In the awareness that many challenges can only be overcome together and that the Rhineland as a region is stronger than the individual regional authorities or sub-regions alone, the municipalities and districts, the chambers of trade and industry and commerce, the Aachen city region and the Rhineland Regional Association have decided to strengthen their regional cooperation and join forces to form the Metropolregion Rheinland e.V. (Rhineland Metropolitan Region).
The members of the Metropolregion-Rheinland e.V. are in detail: 11 independent cities and 12 districts 7 Chambers of Industry and Commerce, 3 Chambers of Crafts the Aachen City Region and the Rhineland Regional Association.
The Rhineland Metropolitan Region (MRR) – founded in 2017 – set out with the aim of joining forces among all its members (35 in total) to position the Rhineland in national, European and global competition and to make the region even more attractive as a place to live, do business and study. The stakeholders want to strengthen the Rhineland and market it internally and externally. Key fields of action are transport and infrastructure, research and education, tourism and location marketing as well as European cooperation.
The Rhineland Metropolitan Region is currently focusing on the following projects in the fields of research and education, transport and infrastructure, tourism and location marketing:
- “Educational Cloud for Vocational Colleges” to improve the digitalisation and networking of vocational colleges in the Rhineland
- Implementation of the Digital Innovation Platform (DIP)
- Conducting a preliminary study on setting up mobile real laboratories for hydrogen applications (“H2City”)
- Implementation of the cooperation project “MILeNa Plus MRR”- promotion of young teachers for MINT subjects and vocational colleges
- Position paper on the NRW public transport needs plan
- Freight transport study for the MRR region in cooperation with Nahverkehr Rheinland GmbH
- Overall spatial concept for the tourism relaunch after Covid-19
- Joint further development of a cross-network digital ticket in cooperation with the transport associations
- Innovation prize “Rheinland Genial“
- Image and publicity campaign for the Rhineland Metropolitan Region
- Area: 12,278 sq. km
- Population: 8.72 million (2019)
- Population density: 710 PE/sq. km (2019)
- GDP: EUR 367,565 million (2018)
- Employed: 3.5 million (2018)
- GDP/employed: EUR 77,658 (2018)
- Unemployment rate: 8.0 % (10/2020)
- Students at universities: 340,700 (winter semester 2017/2018)
Geschäftsstelle der Metropolregion-Rheinland
Ottoplatz 1
50679 Köln
+49 (0) 221 989317-0